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About hot dog stands and verbal abuse

„Stop! That’s just not okay!” It’s that easy to call someone out for cat-calling. And yet it’s so hard. Why do we feel that we have to take it, just ignore it and pretend...
helped me in this situation

COVID-19 stories #5: ‘I want to share a few things that have helped me in this situation’

During these scary COVID-19 times we have to stay strong, however difficult it may be. Some of us are dealing with homesickness, some feel scared and others try to make the best out of the...

COVID-19 stories #4: ‘I have been in quarantine for 15 days, 6 of them in my bedroom’

During these scary COVID-19 times we have to stay strong, however difficult it may be. Some of us are dealing with homesickness, some feel scared and others try to make the best out of the...

COVID-19 stories #3: ‘I wasn’t panicking, until I saw a graph by the New York Times’

During these scary COVID-19 times we have to stay strong, however difficult it may be. Some of us are dealing with homesickness, some feel scared and others try to make the best out of the...
NOT alone

COVID-19 stories #2: “Us au pairs are strong and we are NOT alone”

During these scary COVID-19 times we have to stay strong, however difficult it may be. Some of us are dealing with homesickness, some feel scared and others try to make the best out of...
cancel trip

COVID-19 stories #1: “I had to decide to take my trip and go into rematch or cancel it and lose hundreds of dollars”

During these scary COVID-19 times we have to stay strong, however difficult it may be. Some of us are dealing with homesickness, some feel scared and others try to make the best out of...

Let’s talk feelings

I am an emotional person and leaving my home to go to America was a very hard step for me. Some au pairs are happy to leave their home. Not necessarily because it’s a...
travel classes

Travel classes: what to choose from?

As an au pair you have to get a certain amount of credits / hours during your year. In a previous article we gave an overview of all the options you have in order...
How to score the cheapest Broadway tickets

How to score the cheapest Broadway tickets

If you are lucky enough to be staying with a family that lives close to New York City, you might have thought about going to a Broadway show. Then you saw the prices and...

The hidden gem of NYC: East River Ferry

Most of the attractions and sights available in New York City are pretty expensive. This one’s free and many people like to do it: walking across Brooklyn Bridge. And if you start your walk...